
Brazilian Commercial Law: A Practical Guide

Book Launch: Published by Wolters Kluwer Law and Business, edited by our President Silvia Fazio with contribution of thirty seven leading Brazilian practitioners,  it is the first book in English to provide a detailed guide to the ways into and around the Brazilian Economy.   Brazil’s power to attract international investors has become irresistible. Large-scale economic development,

IDB and Gender Mainstreaming

Do transport and construction industries provide less favorable conditions to the female labor force ?

To try to answer, IDB, Inter-American Development Bank provides a Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of gender occupational segregation in several LAC countries. IDB main purpose is to promote economic and social development in LAC, reduce poverty and increase social equity. Female Participation in The Construction Sector and Transportation Industry Research by Isabel C. Granada, Daniel Pérez


Sem estímulo, igualdade no trabalho é só previsão futurista

Haverá um dia em que diretorias executivas das empresas não serão formadas majoritariamente por homens no Brasil? Sim, haverá, diz Sílvia Fazio, sócia da Chadbourne & Parke LLP e presidente da ONG Will (Women in Leadership in LatinAmerica). A sua resposta leva em conta a matemática: 18,4% mais mulheres concluem a universidade do que homens