In Europe, only 8% of companies do women account for more than a quarter of senior-management jobs.
Since 2007, McKinsey’s Women Matter research has explored the role women play in the global workplace, their experiences and impact in senior-executive roles, and the performance benefits that companies gain from gender diversity. In this video, McKinsey partners Joanna Barsh, Sandrine Devillard, Emily Lawson, and Jin Wang recount the progress women have made in reaching the executive suite.
Diversity Matters
Mckinsey’s Report, 2014
Excerpt taken from “Diversity Matters,” McKinsey & Company, November 24, 2014
For several years McKinsey & Company has been developing research and initiatives on the topic of diversity in the workplace. The first report, “Women Matter”, published in 2007, identified a positive relationship between corporate performance and elevated presence of women in the workplace in several Western European countries, including the UK, France, and Germany.
The research on diversity gender has uncovered a significant relationship between a more diverse leadership and better financial performance. More diverse companies—those with a greater share of women and a mixed ethnic/racial composition in their leadership—are better able to win top talent and improve their customer orientation, employee satisfaction, and decision making.